You Can Take Advantage of a Golden Opportunity in Our Market

Our market is starving for home sellers, so if you put your home on the market now, you can sell quickly and for top dollar.

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Did you know there’s a golden opportunity for a certain segment of our real estate market right now? To explain what I mean, I’m joined today by Jenna Barber, our team’s newest agent. Jenna has been with our team for two months, and in that time, she’s already done 50% of the business she did during all of last year—not just in terms of units sold, but also in terms of her total dollar volume. In those two months, she’s also accumulated 35 active buyers, six of which will be buying within the next 30 days. By the time the next 30 days are up, she’ll have already surpassed the amount of business she did in all of last year.
There are so many buyers out there looking to buy in Central New York, but there aren’t enough listings to go around.

There is one problem agents like Jenna are having, though—there aren’t enough houses on the market. There are so many buyers out there looking to buy in Central New York, but there aren’t enough listings to go around. If you’re thinking of selling your home, this means you need to list it now if you want to sell it quickly and for top dollar. We’d love to help you accomplish all your home selling goals, so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you’d like to get the ball rolling. As always, if you have any other questions or real estate needs, feel free to reach out to us as well. We’d love to help you.